Bioflex Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

Bioflex laser Therapy is a safe, non-toxic, non-invasive, drug-free solution to pain. Developed in Canada, Bioflex Laser therapy technology utilizes superluminous and laser diodes to irradiate diseased or traumatic tissues with photons. These particles of energy are selectively absorbed by the cell membrane and intracellular molecules, resulting in the initiation of the cascade of complex physiological reactions, leading to the restoration of normal cell structure and function.

The process is curative in nature and therefore results in the elimination of pain, increased joint mobility, reduced inflammation and swelling as well as the regeneration of cartilage. In addition, it enhances the body’s immune system response and facilitates natural healing.

In over 3,000 scientific studies, there have been no reported side effects.

ONDAMED PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency)

How it Works

ONDAMED is based on the principle of electro-magnetic induction. The device produces a highly focused pulsed electromagnetic field that penetrates deep into a targeted region of the body to painlessly stimulate tissues and “jump-start” cellular activities.

The ONDAMED System complements other treatments, such as pharmaceuticals, homeopathic remedies, nutritional supplements and other therapeutic modalities; patients respond faster and the effects are longer lasting.

ONDAMED brings Parkwood Photodynamic Therapy practice to the cutting edge, as it incorporates and integrates the latest scientific findings about how the human body regulates itself.

A unique feature of ONDAMED is to enable us to monitor patients’ responses to a wide variety of subtle electromagnetic fields introduced through a neck applicator, and select which frequencies or frequency programs are most appropriate. These signals are then introduced with a hand-held applicator and/or a larger matrix applicator.

ONDAMED provides an effective, painless and non-invasive complement or alternative to other pain relief options, such as surgery or drugs. ONDAMED can enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments and can speed recovery and reduce side effects.

Mechanism of Action

When there is a departure from a healthy synchronous vibration, these parts display a lower energy or a chaotic asynchronous vibration. Just as micro-magnetic fields exposed to induction impulses produce electron flow, ONDAMED impulses convert static and blocked non-regulating areas to dynamic functionality.

  • Adds energy through natural resonance effects.

  • Raises the electrical potential of tissues that are in a weakened state.

  • Restores normal functions.

  • Promotes relaxation as evidenced by changes in brain waves.

 Intravenous Laser Blood Irradiation Therapy

Effects of Different Laser Wavelengths:

Yellow Laser (589nm)

The yellow laser is known to improve the serotonin and vitamin-D metabolism. Vitamin-D is our “sun vitamin” and as such, the yellow laser is also called “sun laser”. Serotonin is a hormone responsible for happiness. A lack thereof may lead to psychological disorders. Thus, yellow laser is very effective in treatment the of depression.  Vitamin-D is also important for bones, connective tissue, prevention of infection as well as playing a central role in our hormone system and general metabolism.

  • Detoxifying and anti-depressive effects

  • Improves the serotonin and vitamin D metabolism (important for bones, connective tissue and immune system)

  • Stimulates the strongest natural photosensitizer Hypericin (extract from St. Johns wart) and is thus very much suited for photodynamic cancer therapy

  • Positive results in chronic infections (e.g. Lyme disease) and fatigue syndromes

  • Good effects on several viral infections (EBV, Herpes, etc.)

  • Strong anti-bacterial effect

  • Very good results in patients with panic attacks, depression and anxiety disorders (yellow laser IV and hypericin orally administrated; combination with Tryptophan in patients with lack of serotonin)

  • Promising development in patients with lack of ATP; yellow laser stimulates complex III of the oxidative phosphorylation

  • Positive effects on Multiple Sclerosis.

Red Laser (635nm)

The red laser activates ATP-production, leading to increased energy, improved circulation, improved immune defence (NK-, T-helper-, T-suppressor-cells) as well as supporting neuronal functions (in CNS).

  • ATP increase through stimulation of complex IV in the respiratory chain

  • Improvement of immunologic activity

  • Enhancement of immunoglobulin production

  • Reduction of pathologic circulating immune complexes and reduction of CRP in patients with acute and chronic inflammations

  • Stimulation of interleukin-1-alpha, interleukin 8, TNF-alpha and Interferon-gamma (wound healing)

  • Activation of phagocytic activity of macrophages in combination with structural modifications

  • Increase of lymphocyte activity: Rise in number of lymphocytes and positive effects on helper T cells and suppressor T cells

  • Positive effects on rheological properties of blood

  • Increase of cell activity and microcirculation

  • Increase of oxygen concentration in the blood

  • Stimulation of metabolism

  • Calming of nerves and heart rhythm

  • Muscle relaxation

  • Fat reduction and cholesterol reduction

Green Laser (532 nm)

The green laser has a strong anti-inflammatory effect as well as boosting the immune response to infection.

  • Leads to a steric conformation change of hemoglobin molecules with 20%-increased uptake of oxygen

  • Is absorbed by complex III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and increases ATP-production by approx. 30%

  • Improvement of function and cell elasticity of erythrocytes

  • Stimulation of sodium-potassium ATPase activity

  • Increase of fibroblast growth and improvement of glucose metabolism

  • Improvement of blood viscosity

  • Improved circulation and oxygen supply

  • Activation of repair processes

Blue Laser (447nm)

The blue laser has very positive effects on the immune system as it has strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Reduction of cholesterol , triglycerides and bilirubin

  • Improvement of immunologic activity

  • Enhancement of NO production (NO= Nitric Oxide) which leads to better microcirculation

  • Activation of telomerase (Anti Aging effects)

  • Wound healing

  • Improvement of oxygen utilization in the tissue

  • Stimulates complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (NADH-dehydrogenase complex)

  • It has very strong anti-bacterial effects by destroying micro-organisms in the blood (by absorption of bacterial porphyrins and by production of reactive oxygen species)

Infrared Laser (810nm)

Infrared Stimulates complex IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain thereby significantly increasing ATP-production.

Ultraviolet Laser (375nm)

Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI or UVB) is an intravenous therapy that represents a safe, non-toxic, low cost and drug-free method of treatment for most blood-borne viruses and offers hope to those who suffer from viral infections and related conditions. UVB / UBI is a procedure that exposes the blood to specific ultraviolet light to enhance the body’s immune response and to fight infections, and can be used clinically as an immune modulating therapy in cases such as psoriasis, lymphatic cancer, chronic infections, chronic fatigue, auto-immune diseases, and much more.

  • Improves the oxygen absorption in tissue

  • Prevents the replication of viruses, bacteria and fungi

  • Prevents blood platelet aggregation

  • Improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels

  • Improves the body’s ability to detoxify and eliminate toxins

  • Activates cortisone-like molecules (sterols) in vitamin

  • Restores normal size and mobility of lipid elements

Laser Therapies combined with PRP (Platelets-Rich Plasma)

Centrifugation is an easy and safe way to obtain PRP (platelet-rich or thrombocyte-rich plasma) from the patient's whole blood which is then re-injected into joints, muscle tissue, tendon tissue or into the skin. 

Thrombocytes contain a large amount of different growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines which have regenerating effects on the tissue and promote cell growth.